I did my supermarket Christmas shopping tonight. Just have the fruit and veg to go now. I seem to have spent a small fortune on food lately and the house really is very well stocked, Christmas notwithstanding. So I have decided that I am only allowed to restock on fruit and veg for the next few weeks until the pantry and freezer have some empty spaces. Nice for the budget, especially with a holiday coming up in a few weeks and good to get the supplies back down to a reasonable level. I don’t even know exactly what I have at the moment everything is crammed in so tightly.

So tonight was the first night of clearing out the stockpile. Without even rummaging I found the most harmonious blend of odds and ends to make a delicious meal.

Beef and Cheesy Vegetable Cous Cous
1 cup leftover dry cous cous
1 cup leftover beef stock that had been thinned down and flavoured with star anise for a quick cheater’s pho
1 serve leftover cheese and vegetable strudel, defrosted, pastry removed
1 small piece leftover, uncooked, topside, cut into stir fry size strips
1/2 cup leftover cubes marinated goats feta

Combine vegetables and beef in small baking pan. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes or until meat cooked.
Beef and Vegtables before cooking
Boil stock and add a cup of water. Remove from heat, add cous cous and cover. After 5 minutes, fluff with fork.
Stir beef and vegatables and feta through cous cous.