This is a bit of a hodge podge to clean out some odds and ends I had floating around the fridge. It can be cooked all in one or as small individual serves. Individual serves can be frozen and used as lunches. It actually worked out better than I expected. The juicy sweetness of the banana chilli and celeriac blended beautifully with the tuna.

Tuna, rice and banana chilli frittata
1 cup cooked brown rice
185g tine tuna
1 celeriac cut into small cubes
3 tablespoon refried beans (optional, just didn’t want to waste them)
1 cup grated cheese
3 banana chillies, seeded and cut into small pieces
6 eggs, lightly beaten

Combine everything well. Place into greased oven proof dish, dishes or muffin tray. Bake in moderate oven for anywhere from 20 – 35 minutes depending on size of dish used. If it’s set, it’s ready.

Serve with rocket salad.