
2130 of 107 items

Panzanella – another great budget meal in a bowl

by Dani

There is a blood red sun setting over Melbourne this evening. The day has been smoky and the light eerie. Running this evening made me feel like an emphysema sufferer, the smoke haze is thick enough to be worrisome for those with respiratory diseases. On a more cheerful note, we had another great dish for […]

Vegetarian Chilli – budget friendly, nutritous and just plain tasty

by Dani

Temperatures have been more than 20 degrees cooler this week in Melbourne than it was on Saturday. Which has brought about some difference in meals. We rely did get a little tired of salad variations. Yesterday I decided to soak some beans in preparation for tonight. Kidney beans were first to hand, bringing with them […]

Eggplant, snowpeas and miso on rice

by Dani

This week’s slow food market yielded a lovely little collection of eggplants. A handful of different varieties and colours that I simply could not walk past. Nor could I wait to eat them. They were required market evening eating. I had been eyeing off a recipe for eggplant and red miso for some time. It […]

Greek Style Baked Beans

by Dani

I’m sick of boston baked beans, nice though they are and the whole ham hock thing presents problems of ethical procurement that I just can’t be bothered dealing with. So imagine my delight at the concept of ham hockless Greek style baked beans. I used this recipe as my base and fiddled the amounts which […]

School lunch planning

by Dani

We have one more week here until Son and Heir is released into the wilds of the school ground. At the same time, Lil Miss is back at creche and I am back at work. It’s going to be busier than ever for our little family this year. In my usual obsessive way, I am […]

Chargrilled vegetable and lentil salad

by Dani

Dinner invented itself as i was staring at the vegetable tray of the fridge tonight. I saw several summer vegetables that just begged to be chargrilled. I had no meat defrosted or beans soaked so lentils were an obvious choice. I wouldn’t go so far as to say this is an actual recipe. More just […]

A summer’s day with a kitchen garden. Gado gado variant.

by Dani

What could be more satisfying, frustrating, and completely fulfilling as a day spent between vegetable patch and preserving? I’m sure the majority could think of lot’s of things but I’m know I’m not alone in thinking it nigh on the perfect day. From an early trip to the farmer’s market, I launched straight into bottling […]

Silverbeet Pie…again

by Dani

It’s official. Everyone here at chez KP, including me, is sick to death of silverbeet. It’s going to seed fairly rapidly now. I’ll be cutting the rest down this weekend, blanching and freezing for when we can face it again. I don’t like the way the stalks freeze so they will be chopped up and […]

Slow cooker rice and beans

by Dani

Melbourne is a crazy town. Early spring was hot and dry. Early summer, cold and wet. Much as I prefer the heat, it’s much cheerier to embrace what you’ve got rather than pine for what you lack. So I whipped up a comforting, super cheap, super easy slow cooker beans and rice dinner. Hearty and […]